Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Famous Mother's and Daughter's Throughout History

 My, how we've changed! Or have we? History shows us the stark contrast of today's woman compared to our sisters of the past. Our opportunities, rights, and freedoms are significantly greater than ever before allowing us to chase our dreams and have true independence; but that doesn't mean that our fore mother's didn't have just as much talent, resolve, and ambition. Another common thread is our children and our endless love for them, and that spans the ages. Here are some famous mother/daughter duos.

Empress Maria Therese 1717-1780

Archduchess of Austria, Holy Roman Empress, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. 
Her reign began in 1740 and lasted for 40 years. She gave birth to 16 children, including the infamous Marie Antoinette. 

Marie Antoinette 1755-1793

Queen Consort to Louis XVI King of France, Marie Antoinette is most noted for her extravagant lifestyle in a time when many struggled and suffered. She was at the heart of scandals and political unrest and eventually would be put to death by guillotine during the French Revolution. She is famously quoted for saying, "Let them eat cake!". 

Marie Curie 1867-1934

Impressively noted as the "Mother of  Modern Physics" this amazing lady was at the forefront of research in radioactivity and boasts the title of first woman awarded a Ph.D. in science research and first woman professor at the Sorbonne. To add to this distinguished list of achievements she was also the first female Nobel Prize winner-twice!

Irene Joliot-Curie 1897-1956
photo: womenhistory.about.com

Physicist, Chemist, and Nobel Prize recipient...this was one daughter who would not be out shadowed by her famous and accomplished mother. Irene was ahead of her time making her mark on history with research in radioactive elements. She worked closely with her younger husband at the Curie Institute, and  was an outspoken advocate for women's rights and social justice.


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